Gillian Keller's
Life Is But A Lucid Dream
Oracle Tarot

awestruck honesty
Being fully honest and transparent with others; being forthcoming with information, or being open about your experience; sharing something vulnerable; being brave enough to shine your light outward; boldly trusting and knowing your own inner truth
Holding something back, feeling afraid of vulnerability; keeping aspects of yourself hidden from others, fear of judgment​
Ask Yourself:
Is there a situation where you are being asked to open up, be vulnerable, be brave, or show a side of yourself that you prefer to keep hidden? How have you succeeded in this? How can you improve your trust in yourself and others? If it is hard for you to trust others, why is that? How does this color your experience?
It is a valuable thing to be able to be vulnerable, but it is also a valuable thing to have clear boundaries with ourselves and others. How does this resonate for you?