Gillian Keller's
Life Is But A Lucid Dream
Oracle Tarot

gorgeous destruction
Experimentation; childlike playfulness in dealing with spiritual and emotional journeys; practice; inventiveness; the value of something is often seen more clearly once it is gone; accepting a change; the humor of something ‘blowing up in one’s face’
Petty acts of revenge; disdain, destructive energy from a heart filled with hate; hell bent , black and white thinking; inability to see the lighter side of life
Ask Yourself:
Is there anything you are holding too tightly, or being too rigid about? Allow yourself to screw up, make a mess, and sort things out! "Getting old" really means thinking we have all the answers, thinking we have it all figured out. Challenge yourself to be childlike and experimental in your situation - you'll stay youthful, stay interested and engaged with the world around you, and you'll DEFINITELY learn something new along the way!